As others have said, you are in for a rough ride. In my opinion one of the worse problems with the WTBTS is the constant repetition that they are God's sole channel of communication. This leads most witnesses to be unable to distinguish between faith in man and faith in God. What happens then is when you find out that the are nothing but a bunch of liars shooting from their hips with change after change in doctrine, you lose your faith in them and in God. If you are interested in keeping your faith in God and just dropping the BORG then I would reccomend listening to a podcast called "Resonable Faith" with William Lane Craig. I would also reccomend Ravi Zaccarius. They are both Christian apologists who try to answer some of the tougher questions relating to belief in God. They are not nessesarily preachers but more apologists.
If you don't know if you want to believe in God or not I would highly reccomend the podcast called "Unbelievable". Every week they have a Christian and a Athiest discuss various questions. The nice thing about it, is that they do get into the differences but they don't attack each other and do name calling etc. It is nice to hear people with diametrically differing viewpoints have rational discussions.
Finally like many others I would highly reccomend Crisis of Consceince, in addition I would also reccomend (after Crisis) reading In Search of Christian Freedom.
Good luck on your journey. It will not be easy. Also when you start learning stuff and you think you want to share with others . . . stop . . . step back and think again. The organization is wrong. There is no question about that. However you may have to decide what is more important to you being right or having friends, a wife, being able to talk with your children etc. I personally did a long long slooooooooww fade and it has worked well for me.